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Disclaimer: This site was made to display the web development skill of Leigh Ann French. Everything is fictional; you can not contact Nature’s Custom Gifts or buy any products.

Nature’s Custom Gifts

Gift bags of wholesome bath products

Choose an Essential Oil

Essential oils are used aromatically in a diffuser or topical with a carrier oil for massage. At Nature’s Custom Gifts, we source our oils from sustainable and organic sources to bring great-smelling and beneficial products to add to your gift.

Lavender Essential Oil

lavender essential oil

It’s calming with a beautiful floral smell. Use to unwind after a stressful day!

Price $5

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil

A woody and earthy tone, this is a customer favorite all-purpose oil.

`Price $10

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil

A decongestant, great for aches, pain, and headaches when used topically.

Price $5

Magnolia Essential Oil

Magnolia essential oil

A floral smell that helps to decrease stress by providing a calming and relaxing feeling.

Price $5

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil

Massage into all your sore muscles or diffuse for a great fresh smell.

Price $5

Staff Pick Essential Oil

Staff pick essential oil

Can't decide? We will pick an Essential Oil for you.

Price $3


default staff pick

Gift Bag

Choose Gift Bag

Choose Gift Bag

default staff pick

Herbal Tea

Choose Tea

Choose Tea

default staff pick


Choose Oil

Choose Oil

default staff pick


Choose soap

Choose soap

default staff pick

Bath Bomb

Choose Bath Bomb

Choose Bath Bomb


Total: $0