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Disclaimer: This site was made to display the web development skill of Leigh Ann French. Everything is fictional; you can not contact Nature’s Custom Gifts or buy any products.

Nature’s Custom Gifts

Gift bags of wholesome bath products

Choose an Herbal Tea

Nature’s Custom Gifts make all the herbal tea from our large herb garden. We grow all our herbs organically, ensuring the best product for your gift bag.

Lavender Herbal Tea

Lavender herb

Lavender Tea is great for relaxation.


Chamomile Herbal Tea

chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is great for a calming night's rest.


Peppermint Herbal Tea

Peppermint Herbal Tea

Top seller! Great for calming a stomach or just a great taste


Mix Herbal Tea

mixed tea

Variety box of all the teas we offer


Green Tea

green tea

Nothing fancy, just green tea. Great for natural energy.


Staff Pick Herbal Tea

staff pick tea

Can't decide? Let us pick something for you!



default staff pick

Gift Bag

Choose Gift Bag

Choose Gift Bag

default staff pick

Herbal Tea

Choose Tea

Choose Tea

default staff pick


Choose Oil

Choose Oil

default staff pick


Choose soap

Choose soap

default staff pick

Bath Bomb

Choose Bath Bomb

Choose Bath Bomb


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